
雅各布斯或雅各布斯集团公司指的是雅各布斯解决方案公司. 及其直接和间接子公司. 雅各布斯的值, 全球政策, 管理指令, 和职能程序适用于雅各布斯集团的所有公司, including the following reporting commercial organizations and reporting entities:
U.K. Modern Slavery Act 2015 报告 “Commercial Organizations” (collectively, “雅各布斯U.K.”),包括但不限于:
  • 雅各布斯U.K. 有限的
  • 雅可仕现场服务有限公司
  • 英国CH2M山
  • 哈尔克劳国际合伙公司
  • 雅可洁能源有限公司
  • 能源、安全 & 风险顾问(U).K.)有限公司 
  • 亚洲体育博彩平台 stobarts有限公司
《亚洲体育博彩平台》“报告实体”(统称), “雅各布斯澳大利亚”),包括但不限于:
  • 亚洲体育博彩平台集团(澳大利亚)有限公司
  • 亚洲体育博彩平台澳大利亚有限公司.
这一全球声明是由雅各布斯,包括雅各布斯大学.K. 雅各布斯澳大利亚公司, in accordance with the reporting requirements of Section 54, Part 6 of the U.K. 《2015年现代奴隶制法案.K.) and section 16 of the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (for 亚洲体育博彩平台 Australia) for the financial year ended 30 September 2023.




在雅各布, we’re challenging today to reinvent tomorrow by solving the world’s most critical problems for thriving cities, 有弹性的环境, 关键任务的结果, 业务发展, 科学发现和尖端制造, 把抽象的想法变成现实,永远改变世界. 在雅各布斯,我们做正确的事情. 我们总是正直行事,对我们的工作负责, 关爱员工,关注安全和可持续发展. 与我们的价值观一致, we are committed to respecting the human rights and dignity of individuals within 我们的 operations, 供应链和我们做生意的社区.


雅各布斯解决方案公司. 是一家上市公司,总部设在美国.S. 并在特拉华州注册成立. 利用一支大约60人的人才队伍,000, 我们提供包括咨询在内的全方位专业服务, 技术, 为政府和私营部门提供科学和项目交付. 用16美元.4 billion in revenue, we operate in over 40 countries and engage over 20,000 suppliers worldwide. The services we provide to 我们的 markets fall into the following two lines of business (LoBs): Critical Mission 解决方案 (CMS) and People & 地点及解决方案(P)&PS). 我们的lob, 我们的业务部门Divergent 解决方案 (DVS), 为两个lob提供综合服务, 以及对PA咨询公司的大部分投资, constitute the Company’s reportable segments and are the foundation for how 亚洲体育博彩平台 helps create a more connected, 可持续的世界. 有关我们公司的更多信息,请参阅我们的年度报告 形成10 - k 截至2023年9月29日的财政年度,我们的季度报告 形式的10 for the fiscal quarter ended December 29, 2023, and 我们的 other filings with the U.S. 美国证券交易委员会. 雅各布斯的业务主要位于北美, 欧洲, 中东和亚太地区, 提供详细的位置信息 亚洲体育博彩平台.com.


We are committed to identifying possible modern slavery risks in 我们的 operations and supply chains. 雅各布斯负责人权风险评估, including periodic support from third-party consultants who have supported risk 评估ment efforts. 结果是, we update and improve 我们的 understanding of 我们的 risk areas for human rights violations and modern slavery exposure.

亚洲体育博彩平台 has considered risk factors in evaluating its risk of modern slavery in its global operations and supply chain, 包括但不限于:

  • 行业及行业风险: as a professional services company that provides solutions to a diverse range of clients, in some countries some business engagements identify us with a higher risk sector or industry. 
  • 地理风险: some of the countries in which we operate have higher risks of modern slavery due to poor governance or socio-economic factors.
  • 产品及服务风险: in some countries some products and services used in 我们的 supply chain are identified as higher risk, 例如涉及体力劳动或外国移民工人的服务.

雅各布斯U.K. 雅各布斯澳大利亚公司 primarily provide professional services to clients 在ir respective countries. 雅各布斯的 supply chain primarily consists of the following categories: 1) corporate suppliers which may include 外部 advisors, 清洁服务, 培训供应商, general goods and services for used in day-to-day operations; 2) IT suppliers such as providers of IT equipment; and 3) project subconsultants to provide professional services. 亚洲体育博彩平台 is committed to continually improving its approach to identifying modern slavery risks in its supply chains and operations around the globe, including further engagement of third parties to conduct reviews and provide expertise on enhancing 我们的 approach.



雅各布斯的 人权政策 details 我们的 commitment to respecting the human rights and dignity of individuals within 我们的 operations, 供应链和我们在世界各地开展业务的社区. This policy is guided by international principles including those encompassed 在 United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 《世界人权宣言》, 国际人权法案, and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

更新于2022年,雅各布斯的 供应商行为准则 禁止使用任何形式的现代奴隶制, 包括强迫劳动, 童工, 以及人口贩卖. It includes additional requirements including those addressing freedom of association and collective bargaining, 招聘费用, 公平的工资, 不歧视, 不满, 提供救济, 以及获取个人身份证件的权限. This 供应商行为准则 applies to all 我们的 suppliers, vendors and subcontractors.


我们进行尽职调查,以避免参与侵犯人权的行为, and we seek to avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts through 我们的 own activities and business relationships. 支持我们 人权政策, 亚洲体育博彩平台 has integrated a human rights questionnaire into its supplier pre-qualification process. 基于风险触发因素对供应商进行强化评估, 包括地理因素, 活动类型和其他风险因素.


Our standard contracts stipulate that suppliers will comply with all applicable laws, 规则和条例,包括与人口贩运有关的规则和条例, 工人福利和现代奴隶制. 我们还要求供应商证明遵守我们的 供应商行为准则,包括其人权规定.


正如我们的 供应商行为准则, we reserve the right to conduct audits and thoroughly investigate possible non-compliance with 我们的 requirements. 我们努力在调查中做到及时和公正, 只要有可能, operate in a spirit of continuous improvement – working with suppliers to implement change within specified timeframes. Any violations of 我们的 供应商行为准则 or failure to cooperate in an audit or investigation may jeopardize suppliers’ business relationship with us, 直至并包括终止合同.


所有员工必须完成雅各布斯的“践行我们的价值观”培训, We Do Things Right模块包含了雅各布斯的具体信息  行为准则. It includes information on 我们的 commitment to respecting human rights and dignity in accordance with the U.K. and Australian Modern Slavery Acts and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights, as well as 我们的 expectations of employees to act in a manner consistent with 我们的 人权政策. 我们对供应管理专业人员的培训包括我们的  供应商行为准则,其中包括人权要求. 亚洲体育博彩平台 is committed to continuously improving modern slavery 培训 offerings for employees. 通过我们独特的员工学习平台, e3, we have several on-demand 培训 modules available addressing the topic of modern slavery. 主题包括现代奴隶制的一般概念, 它在供应链中表现如何, 以及如何识别和报告此类案件. 培训模块的难度等级从初级到中级不等, 反映主题复杂性的. 在澳大利亚, 亚洲体育博彩平台 is engaging with a third party to produce modern slavery 培训 videos; the videos will be accessible to all 亚洲体育博彩平台 employees with a lens of Australian regulations and drivers. 


亚洲体育博彩平台 recognizes the importance of stakeholder engagement to create a more connected, 可持续的世界. 雅各布斯是 参与者 在 联合国全球契约 (UNGC) 并参与UNGC业务 & Human Rights Accelerator Program to 评估 most salient human rights risks (including modern slavery risks) and further expand 雅各布斯的 Human Rights Due Diligence across 我们的 value chain. In 2024, 亚洲体育博彩平台 continued its partnership with Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), via which we engage with third-party experts and engage in cross-industry collaboration to collectively advance 我们的 sustainability strategies and impacts, 包括人权. 雅各布斯很自豪能成为 建立负责任的, an industry group collaborating to promote the rights and welfare of workers globally. BSR提供行政领导和秘书处支持 建立负责任的

We respond to client surveys in relation to 雅各布斯的 policies and processes and 分享 strategies and control measures to reduce human rights and modern slavery risks within 我们的 clients’ operations and supply chains.



We are committed to continual improvement in managing human rights and modern slavery risk in 雅各布斯的 supply chain. 评估我们的表现, 我们考虑了定性和定量的全球指标, including but not limited to those related to supplier qualification and certification, 审计和评估, 培训, 客户接触, 外部基准测试.


我们鼓励员工, 供应商和利益相关者大声疾呼, 没有惩罚, about any concerns regarding human rights and modern slavery in 我们的 operations or supply chain. 详见我们的 雅各布斯行为准则供应商行为准则, 我们的 举报人保护政策,在我们的 网站,任何人都可以通过雅各布斯诚信热线匿名提交举报 完整性.亚洲体育博彩平台.com 或者拨打844.543.8351 (U.S.), 1.800.316.728(澳大利亚)和0808.234.6029 (U.K.). We are committed to investigating reports in an appropriately robust and timely manner.


We communicated 我们的 commitments and actions in combatting modern slavery to the relevant entities in 我们的 亚洲体育博彩平台 group of companies, 包括雅各布斯U.K. 雅各布斯澳大利亚公司. We have ensured that relevant areas of 雅各布斯的 operations are aware of what actions need to be taken to identify, 评估, 解决我们的运营和供应链中存在的现代奴役风险.


本声明经雅各布斯澳大利亚公司核可. 公司于2024年3月15日成立.

这一声明得到了雅各布斯大学董事会的批准.K. 实体(包括但不限于雅各布斯U.K. 有限的, 雅可仕现场服务有限公司, 英国CH2M山, 哈尔克劳国际合伙公司, 雅可洁能源有限公司, 能源、安全 & 风险顾问(U).K.)有限公司和亚洲体育博彩平台 Stobbarts有限公司于2024年3月27日成立.
